Scandalous marriage of an underage girl in Chechnya/ video/


One of the most scandalous marriages took place in the capital of Chechnya – Grozni. 17-year-old Luiza Goylabieva married 48-year-old Najud Guchigov who is the Head of Internal Affairs Department of Nojay-Zhurtovski region of Chechnya. The scandal was due to not only that she was underage and that it is prohibited (with exceptions of some special circumstances – pregnancy, child, etc). A week earlier than the marriage he confessed that he is married, has a wife and that he has intentions to divorce. So, it turned so that he was marrying for the second time. Initially parents of the girl were complaining that they were forced to marry their child, but a few days later everything changed: both parents and bridegroom refused their sayings.


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