Anush Poghosyan: “Homeland should be perceived as an own family” 

Anush Poghosian/ head of Gegharkunik province health and social security department/ before assuming the position,  for many years she had worked as a doctor-endocrinologist at Martuni Medical Center. Today, she is the Republican candidate in constituency No. 8 rating system, who has a very good idea and understanding of the health sector, what the  needs of medical institutions are, what expectations the patient has from medical facilities. And then a specialty of a doctor gives a daily basis to communicate with people, listen to them, it is simply necessary for the MP. In conversation with Mrs. Poghosyan said, that she just wants to be such a member of Parliament, who is able to  listen, because only then is it possible to ensure effective work. 


– Why do you want to become a member of Parliament?


As a citizen and employee of the public system I have political responsibility. I have the honor to join the Republican Party of Armenia, which, in my opinion, by its  biography has proved that it is capable of efficiently solving the most complex problems facing our country and will never escape its responsibility. Each of us is obliged to implement the work entrusted to him   the idea of ​​powerful Armenia and he dignity of our citizens.


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