Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryans: “We have never strived to surprise by entering the world of men”

What is a stereotype and how to overcome it? This issue has never been the main problem for sisters Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryans, but the first question directed to them is almost always in that context. How many women duduk players do you know who have their place in the music scene and move forward with clear steps …? For the music-loving community, the sisters are known for their new designs, the basis of which are Armenian folklore but here’s also jazz and other destinations that make the performances interesting for young people and senior generations. Sisters successfully record video clips on the web, perform at concerts. By the way, Anna and Anahit made a surprise for the world-renowned rock musician Serj Tankian on the eve of the New Year, which Tankian viewed, appreciated and responded, noting that he is happy that there are such talents in Vanadzor.

– Anna,  how did the women entered into that area of men, how did you master duduk and drums?”

– First I was involved in music, I graduated from the Music academy, for many years my music was my passion. But during my lifetime, Anahit’s help was needed because there was a need for duduk accompaniment. And Anahit’s sense of rhythm is good, though she is a geneticist by profession. We have never sought to do something to surprise people – come and see how we entered the world of men and what we can do, never. Our wish was to come together and why not, just come up with those instruments. In music, as I said, I have been for a long time, our concert activity with Anahit has a five-year history. We also understood that we need live performances, we cannot perform out of the country through a phonogram, and we have formed our group last year and we also plan to have a concert tour abroad.


– What are the obstacles you have met and maybe I would like to ask you the most-asked question: how did men, who consider duduk and drums as their monopoly, accept you in their ranks?


-Of course, that’s right, men consider this field as their monopoly, but we tried to overcome that stereotype. As for obstacles, it helps us that we are quite stable and strong in character and are not afraid of difficulties. And maybe it helps us to overcome the obstacles we encounter and meet. Everyone in every field is always in trouble, but for justice, I must say that there were no serious complications or artificial obstacles.


– Nevertheless, Have you heard often the phrase” what does a woman do with duduk/drums?


-No (Laughs) … if we were miserable in terms possession of instruments, we might have heard such phrases, but when people are seriously engaged, they cannot be of such opinion. Of course, traditional people will say or at least think in their minds that this is not an activity for a woman, but the one who understands music, the appraiser and the musician will never say anything like that.


-Does the love towards these instruments come from the family?


-No, there is nothing in our genes, and maybe it is bad because when there are musicians in the family, some part of the way is smeared. But on the other hand, we are insured from such accusations as we are here because …


-Getting acquainted with your activities, I, as a journalist and as a woman, see the message – women, do not be afraid to engage in a favorite affair and be guided by the call of your heart.


-It’s a very important question … Yes, the message is that, regardless of the field and independent of their profession, women should not be afraid to try their best to do more. It does not matter if mostly men work in that area, they are the majority or they generally view as their monopoly, if you like it, if you want to do that job, do it and prove to yourself first and foremost that you can not only do it, but also that you can do it well.


-Do you see the problem in Armenia that women cannot always do what they really want, that women’s voice is not heard?

-Many things have changed today, the situation is not the same, and women are free to voice their message and do what they want. Of course, I cannot say that all women feel that freedom, but the trend is certainly positive.


-What are your upcoming programs?


-Recently we presented our next video to the public and the second video has not been posted on Youtube yet. We are gradually recording, we have a great desire not only to perform concerts in Armenia’s provinces and remote villages but also to organize concerts overseas, and we plan to travel outside of Armenia.


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