Ani Khachatryan: “For me Yerevan is a careless face of Yerevan people”
Ani Khachatryan who participated in elections at 7th place from “Yelq” block has still been actively involved in politics since 2003. During all these years has participated in national and local elections. Ass they say, she has been boiled in the pot of political processes and felt on her skin what it is to have and not to betray their political views. On April 12 of 2004 Ani was arrested for her political views from the central office of “Republic” party. The lawyer Khachatryan does not work, because the daughter is still small, but for sure, with “Yelq” she has a long way to pass. She has been collaborating with Yelq from the day of its creation.
– How do you decide to get involved in politics, tell us about motives?
– I have been engaged in politics from my early childhood. During the events of April 12, 2004 I was 18 years old … We can say that the life forced me to get involved in politics. On October 27, 1999 my loss was very large, and it could not keep me away from politics … Vazgen Sargsyan was my godfather, whom I do not consider to be absent until now… My mother has been in politics since 1989. She had a role in the army with Vazgen Sargsyan. So, as now my daughter is growing up in the political arena, I grew up in politics the same way.
– What is the role of women in politics?
Politics includes training, education, culture … and she has her own role in all these circles. Therefore, her active role in politics is necessary precondition.
The result of ‘Yelq” recorded during the parliamentary elections is exciting and it is binding. Do you believe in victory?
I not only believe in victory, but also I am sure that we will win because residents of Yerevan cannot understimate Nikol Pashinyan’s determination.
Full text in Armenian
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