Anahit Gogyan: “Physics for me is favorite occupation, job and profession” 

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Scientific Secretary of Physical Research  Institute, PhD in Mathematical Sciences Anahit Gogyan engaged in quantum optics and informatics, nuclear and laser physics and is one of the young scientists of the series, who was introduced under Mediamax “Gitamard” project. The section represents men and women who have understood that their calling is to be a researcher and despite many difficulties, they are determined the energy, potential and time to invest in science. We propose to get acquainted with her history presented by journalist Marie Taryan Mediamax.


Rig – to move into the world of physics


“At school I was very good at physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics courses. At 10th grade I did not know what direction to choose. My parents and my brother mathematicias  advised me to choose the direction of physics and mathematics, in any case  I could change my profession. My parents were a little skeptical that I will be able to become a physicist. I applied to the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department. Two days later I received a phone call from the university saying, ‘You wrote your name wrong, let’s correct. I went straight, and changed the Department as well “says a young physicist.


A few years after studying the joint PhD program in France she also assumed the post of academic secretary.


“I received an offer to work as Scientific Secretary. I  realized that I could do the job. The only thing is that, unfortunately the work  is very time-consuming, often distracts from science.


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