Anahit Bakhshyan: «I will continue to struggle as I have been doing until now»

Yerevan community council member, one of  the most active MPs of the NA Anahit Bakhshyan again fights for  mandate of MP. Becaise of prinsipal disagreements she left «Heritage» fraction and now she is nominated by the list of «Free democrats» and is the first female candidate. It is not the first time that  represents passed way of Mrs. Bakhshyan, voters know her well too, as her activity both in legislative body and out of its frames was more than transparent.


  • You were elected as an MP ten years ago, when the number of women was small and the society seemed not to accept women’s role in politics. What has been changed during these ten years and if women’s role has increased among socitey’s perceptions?

In fact the number with regards to women’s representation in the Parliament has not been chenged, then it was 11, today` 13. I hope that the Electoral code which demands at least 25% of women’s involvement, will change situation so that when a female candidate submits a withdrawal she should be replaced only with another female candidate.  This somehow guarantees that the number of women in the NA will increase. I always remember what my husband Yura said. That the more women appear in the Parliament the more gentlemen will be in the NA. But today many deputies are even not close to being gentlemen.  The most important thing is that women’s participation ensures more just and correct formulations in laws of social field, better protection of children and family. In a country having so many social issues it is the most important thing.



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