Every day people throw away food and everyday people go to bed hungry


According to data of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, one third of the produced food worldwide is thrown away. At the same time, every 8th person in the world suffers from hunger, and 3 million children annually die from hunger.


The UN estimates that half of the food purchased in USA and Europe is thrown away. In Europe 10 millions of food is annually thrown. Each French throws away on average 20-30 kg food, which generally costs 12-20 billion euros on a country scale. British throw away annually 7 tons of food…


Although the problem is global, each country tries to solve it on its own way. For example, a farmer livng in New York, cultivating onion, used to sell to shops only onions in the form of equal diameter. The other “non-standard” product used to appear in a dump. However, the farmer, on his own initiative, contacts to a charitable organization, which distributes onion to New York’s poorest residents. In this way, he managed to rescue 21 million kg onions from decay.


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