People in Chad eat the healthiest food, people in Armenia – the most harmful


Studies of the food structures used by people in different parts of the world have shown that people in Armenia eat the most harmful food and people in Chad – the healthiest. refers to the theme pointing out that the researchers observed volumes of the sales of fruits and vegetables as a healthy diet indicator and that of meat and beverages – to be the indicator of harmful food.


In the study published at the beginning of this year in the magazine «The Lancet Global Health» by Cambridge University Professor Fumiaki Imamura and his partners the most typical diet formulas of 90% of the world population have been examined.


Researchers have found that consumption of fruits and vegerables increased especially in 1990 -2010, but at the same time consumption of meat and beverages has also been increased during the same period. They have found out that in rich countries consumption of harmful food is great and on the contrary in poor countries people consume mainly healthy food. In addition to Armenia people use harmful food in Hungaria, Belgium, Chech Republic, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Argentina, Turkmenistan, Mongholia, Slovakia.


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