Garbage issue: What do political forces offer in their election programs?

The garbage issue is referred to in the pre-electoral programs of almost all the political forces participating in Yerevan City Council elections.


The “My Step” alliance program highlights purity, garbage removal and snow removal. It is envisaged to review street cleaning and garbage disposal activities and consider the issue of involving the second operator through the tender.


The problem of waste management, waste and emissions processing and smart management in the PAP program is a serious challenge, so it is important to consider external audit, consultation and implementation of international competition.


The problems of the garbage disposal industry are discussed in the Heritage Party’s program. It is proposed to carry out garbage disposal at the center of the city at such a frequency that there will be no problem for the citizens.


The Yerevan-based alliance of political parties believes that the problem of garbage disposal can be solved only in case of building a solid waste processing factory.


The Luys Alliance promises to disassemble and upgrade garbage dump in multi-apartment buildings, offer modern garbage disposal and sanitation facilities.


Yerkir Tsirani program notes that there is no systematic approach to waste management. The program emphasizes the management of household and construction waste in Yerevan.


Orinats Yerkir party also puts the problem of garbage collection. It is envisaged to drastically improve the garbage disposal situation, thorough repairs of garbage pipes and dumps, the creation of waste recycling facilities.


ARF Dashnaktsutyun plans to create garbage sorting and ecological recycling economy.


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