Alisa Abrahamyan: “Let’s lit our light instead of complaining about darkness”


Alisa Abrahamyan is nominated candidate “purple Earth” party.  By specialty she is a philologist; for many years she has worked at the school, teaching Armenian language and literature, has also worked in the newspaper “9th Wonder”, and is now engaged in the work of tutors, as well as the editor’s work. She was born and raised in Yerevan; her grandparents immigrated from Khoy since 1927. She says: “All stages of the life are connected with  my city, I have been here, I have been witness and participant in everything that happened in Yerevan, demonstrations, rallies, protests, dark and light years” …


– Is your decision to participate in the elections conditioned by the desire to engage in politics or love for the city?


I would say it is conditioned by both of them.  First, I have always loved Yerevan, it is in my blood. I have been crying for every cut, distorted sidewalks and I have suffered for every resident leaving the city and second, I am in politics, because one way or another, all of us are involved in the political process. The reason is that it is getting worse in our quality of life, challenges are growing, almost every day we lose our hero sons at borders…, people have lost faith in the present government, it can be said that they have r had faith … What is left?…In every corner behind us we are complaining that nothing will change, but you should try to fix the situation. Let’s burn our light instead of complaining about darkness… That’s why I run my candidacy…


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