“Activate talks” – our meeting probably was an extraordinary situation for her


If two years ago someone told me that I would leave for Moscow to see my grandmother alone, no one would believe. But thanks to my mother, I left, I wanted to try my abilities, to make my own steps, decisions, – tells 17-year-old Syuzanna Aleqsanyan who has vision problems. She likes playing guitar, piano, and singing. She says that when she decided to learn playing piano, they went to school and the headmaster introduced her to a teacher. “I will never forget her confusion: maybe our meeting was an extraordinary situation for her, but I had a very good performance at the end of the year”, tells Syuzanna.


Syuzanna and other speakers told about their own experiences during the annual event “Activate talks” which had slogan “Knowledge in the name of life” and was dedicated to the security of schools.


The main purpose of the program was to raise preparedness of educational level and form security culture in our children.


Full text in Armenian


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