Beijing+20: Women’s issues are not getting old” – Information campaign is launched website launches Information campaign “Women’s issues are not getting old”
The campaign “Women’s issues are not getting old” will be held in the framework of international processes of “Beijing+20” and “MDG. Post-2015”.
The campaign is began from June 2014 and will last until March 2015 when 59th session of the Commission of the Status of Women (2015) will summarize the results of “Beijing+20” and will shape the future activities.
The campaign will be held through special issues of Newspaper Insert “Woman and Politics” and Website Our Goal is to represent on the website information and analytical materials on Armenia’s progress and obstacles as well as future steps within the framework of Beijing Platform for Action.
Our campaign will represent the materials illuminating 12 Critical Areas of Beijing Platform for Action:
- Women and Poverty
- Education and Training of Women
- Women and Health
- Violence against Women
- Women and Armed Conflict
- Women and the Economy
- Women in Power and Decision-making
- Institutional Mechanism for the Advancement of Women
- Human Rights of Women
- Women and the Media
- Women and the Environment
- The Girl-child
We join with “Beijing+20” campaign’s slogan “Empowering women, empowering humanity: Picture It!”
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