Dear OXFAM, we are very grateful to you for supporting rural women
Today it was a holiday in the capital’s lover’s park – «OXFAM» charitable organization’s office in Armenia and «Armenian young women’s association» hold an award ceremony «Female food hero»-2013. Perhaps, it is a unique competition in the agricultural sector with the purpose to encourage successful women farmers of this sphere who have managed to make positive changes not only in their lives but also in the life of their communities. This time the competition was held within the framework of 6 agricultural cooperatives operating in Vayots Dzor and Tavush regions and six women members of cooperatives got titles of female heroes in agricultural production and encouraging presents.
While talking to Representative of “Economic Justice and Food Security” project ( Oxfam-Armenia) Rita Gasparyan represented the goals as well as achievements of the project.
«I have been in this position for only six months, but that time is enough to note that especially women’s cooperatives have achieved perfect results. The most important thing is that Armenian women, especially in rural areas, have a great potential to be a leader, they are very intelligent and prepared, as well as capable of uniting the entire community. I think there are a lot of resources in Armenia’s communities which we should reveal»,- said Mrs. Gasparyan.
The project officer believs that women are the power which will lead communities to the development because within the framework of the program they saw that women are able to unite not only their neighbors and friends but also men.
«The program is ongoing, it will continue in these two regions where the success was recorded – in Vayots Dzor and Tavush – and if we can solve the problem of funding, the program will also include other regions», – she added.
Today Bavakan Meliqyan – a member of women’s agricultural consumer council «Vanqadzor» of Gomq community was awarded a title of «Female Food Hero». She told that it is already a year since their community’s everyday life has been filled with interesting and favourite job – this cooperative, uniting 37 women, deals with refrigeration economy and greenhouse:
«We are only one year old, but we have a great success, however we expect to achieve more» – she said.
In her words, this initiative brought a new life for their community and farmers, because peasants have harvest but very often they not only cannot realize but also store and consume:
«Marketing is very important, farmers’ income is generated from it. I can only say – Dear OXFAM, we are so grateful to you for supporting and encouraging rural women, giving them opportunities to solve their problems», -Mrs Meliqyan added, who was holding her certificate in her hands.
The goods were not only colorful, but also diverse. Refrigerating economy with volume of 144 square meters in Vayots Dzor allows to preserve existing products – golden apricot, red apples, the most tasty types of beans as well as perfect looking cucumber, carrots, beet etc. Non-traditional crops and dried fruits production are considered to be a visiting card of «Vanqadzor».
The product quality is evidenced by the fact, that today after awards ceremony dried fruits were consumed momentarily by Lover’s park visitors.
Nushik Janoyan – from Azatek Village of Vayots Dzor – was awarded a title of female-hero, she has been working in cooperative from the first day of the establishment of refrigeration and greehouse industry – March of 2013.
«Since May we have developed tomatoe and have got a very good yield – we have already sold 3 tons», – Mrs. Nushik said proudly, adding that being awarded a title of female-hero was a real surprise for her. After all, an individual is engaged in his favourite activities and heroism is not just doing it but creating opportunities for it.
By the way, our interlocutor noted that they are so excited about the results that want to ask OXFAM to creat the second greenhouse in their community. «Definitely, it will not be harmful, and we will work with great pleasure», -she said.
It should be mentioned that the following women were awarded titles of Female Food Hero : Svetlina Ghazaryan (Aknaghbyur), Sofya Atabekyan (Nerqin Tsaghkavan), Astghik Ghushchyan (Haghtanak) and from Vayots Dzor – Bavakan Meliqyan (Gomq), Hasmik Ghazaryan (Zedea) and Nushik Janoyan (Azatek).
It should be noted that the award ceremony «Female Food Hero» is held for the third time by «Armenian young women’s association» and OXFAM within the framework of GROW global campaign 20 women from different regions of Armenia have been awarded titles of Female Food Hero, 6 agricultural consumer cooperatives, 1 committee attached to a cooperative and 16 women invoved in the production of agricultural products were awarded incentives.
E. Makaryan
Photos by
Kristina Hovhannisyan/OXFAM/
and Meri Hunanyan/Noyan Tapan
OXFAM in Armenia
OXFAM has been working in Armenia since 1994, implementing humanitarian and community development programs in cooperation with over ten local partner organizations in about 165 remote and bordering rural communities in 6 Marzes of Armenia. The mission of this organization – struggle against poverty and injustice. Oxfam highlights gender component in all its programs, following the principle “women are the heart and soul of our programs”.
One of the key components of OXFAM activities, the sustainable “Livelihoods” Program (currently “Economic Justice and Food Security” Program) supports poor rural communities in Tavush and Vayots Dzor Marzes by stimulating sustainable growth of agricultural products and by developing new market linkages. In the framework of this Program 17 agricultural consumer cooperatives have successfully been established and are already operating actively in remote rural communities, five of which have been established by women.
OXFAM implements a number of programs in rural communities aimed at women empowerment, for stimulating women’s civic activity, for raising the voices and roles of women in management processes.
Read more on our Website.
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