“Change society’s attitude towards the problem of disabled people’s employment
New initiative of “LIFE” program
Yesterday Yerevan hosted the official ceremony of theestablishment of a network of social enterprises and employers. The network was created within the framework of “Life” program funded by USAID and implemented by Save the children, which has been supporting disabled people to solve employment problem. With the same pupose the network is called to empower people with disabilities in whole Armenia exchange of information and experience between women and men, as well as promote their skills and interests.
“Life” project manager Jina Sargizova said in her speech that the purpose of the program is to ensure access of employment and equal conditions for people with disabiliries as a fundamental human right. Within the framework of that purpose LIFE program has already established or expanded 18 “social enterprises” since 2012, providing jobs for 210 people with disabilities.
Establishment of a network of social enterprises and employers is another important step in this direction.
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