“I am lord” and “I am obedient” are wrongly perceived
The oath made during the wedding is often taken wrongly not only by ordinary people but even by some legislators…
Many people, distorting the real meaning try to introduce the concept “lord” as a “grind”, and “I am obedient” – as a woman to be inferior and even permission of to being subjected to violence by her husband.
Meanwhile, the spiritual fathers of the Armenian Apostolic Church differently interpret it noting that we should not just primarily interpret the words “I am lord” and “I am obedient”.
In reality, there is no trend of slavery in these phrases. Lord means to love, care for, protect, not to rule or command. Be obedient to her husband means to respect, support and be like-minded, not to blindly execute commands. Husband and wife in conjugal relations have equal duties and responsibilities of their roles. And they must be obedient to their mission. / Yesayi Artenian /.
When man says to the church “I am Lord”, this does not mean that he is going to be a ruler or dictator OF her wife. Be responsible means to love, care, take care, as our Lord has done for us. / Fr. Shmavon Ghevondian /.
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