Nzhdeh: “I do not tell about the war in order to forget it soon”
We met Nzhdeh on his birthday…
– How old are you, dear Nzhdeh?, – as usual I started conversation.
– 12, oh, no, today I became 13 and it turned out to be his birthday…
– Have you kept a dream while blowing the candle?
– Yes, one for me which I will not tell you, it is a secret, and another for everybody – I wish no wars take place in my country and everybody to be healthy.
After the events in Syria like many families Nzhdeh Krpeyan’s family decided to move to Armenia.
Nzhdeh does not like remembering the war.
– I do not tell about it in order to forget soon, – he says. Instead he likes telling about his friends, lessons and that he used to attend tennis club.
Recently his parents have made a decision to go to another country but he does not want as here he has a lot of friends and it will be difficult to leave them, anyhow, he will try to be in touch with all of them even from other places.
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