14 million children impacted by conflict in Syria and Iraq: UNICEF


In March of this year due to armed confrontation in Syria, 5,6 million children in Syria appeared in extreme poverty. Many of them are in such places where due to military operations it is impossible to provide humanitarian aid. Nearly 2 million children live in refugee camps of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Along with it over 3,6 million children also appeared in catastrophic situation in hosting countries. In Iraq 2, 8 million children had to leave their homes with their families. Many appeared under the control of armed forces. UN experts reported that in areas controlled by “Islamic state” extreme group children under the age of 12 are forced to undergo army training, as well as perform tasks of terrorism and murder.


The conflict in Syria led also to exploitation of children in the region which hampers their development. It is evidenced by a new report published at the beginning of july by UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and organization “Save the children”.


According to the report, in many Syrian families a significant part of the income is ensured by children who have to work instead of studying. Very often they are involved in hard and dangerous work and subjected to sexual exploitation. Many Syrian children in their homeland, including in Jordan and Lebanon are engaged in transportation of heavy goods, are subject to effects of pesticides and toxic chemicals. Children work long hours in a day in very difficult and dangerous conditions and receive little money for their work.


“Often in Syria children ensure 75% of the income of the family, and in Jordan almost half of them participate in ensuring living standards or they are even responsible for survival of their relatives. Children under the age of 6 are engaged in work in some areas of Lebanon”, – the report notes.


The authors of the report note that Syrian children pay the highest price for the International community failing to end conflict.

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