We are not going to sit idly: Syrian-Armenian women are passing new professional training


Syrian-Armenian women gathered at educational center “Espaces” of “KAZA” Swiss Humanitarian Foundation were in a very good mood. They came to receive certificates and presents for attending 40-hour courses “Manicure abilities and skills” and 100-hour courses “Hairdressing skills”. The training was conducted with the support of UN High Commissioner for Refugees/ UNHCR/ and KAZA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation within the framework of the program “Refugee Integration through Education”.


-Craft in all areas of human life has always been in demand and appreciated. The labor market in Armenia is still in demand for workforce with vocational and technical education. Our goal is to transfer some knowledge to Syrian-Armenian women with the help of which they will be able to meet their social needs. These courses will help them restart their lives in the homeland. We provide them necessary advice, professional knowledge and particular property for manicure and hairdressing/ scissors, comb, makeup brushes, bags/, at the same time we encourage them to participate in public life, – says Marine Tunyan/Head of the program “Refugee Integration through Education”.


According to her, the project is being implemented by UNHCR funding and although their center has been collaborating with UNHCR since 2014, however, from this year they focus on development of vocational education.


UNHCR representative Nver Sargsyan mentioned that it is worth assessing the fact that they are not discouraged; do not lose their hope in tomorrow. “Your first homeland is Syria, the second one – Armenia. I imagine how difficult it is when a person losing everything tries to recover from this loss in a new country. With regard to this be sure that you are not alone, but, unfortunately, in spite of the efforts of UNHCR to reduce conflicts all over the world, they are increasing, instead”.


High spirits and smiles of the “graduates” were inspiring that any time gained knowledge and qualifications will be multiplied. Lena Melqonyan, who has come to Armenia two months ago, is also of that opinion.


“We are very grateful to those organizations, which are supporting us. Although I have liked this specialty since my childhood, I needed to go deep in order to earn money. I did not work in Syria and even did not do hairdressing”.


Coming to Armenia with her children/ 14-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter/ she does not stop thinking about return, but the situation in Syria forces her to stay here. Lena is sure that unlike Armenia life in Syria is not expensive. If they could live better life only with her husband’s work, here it is difficult, therefore, she decided to participate in vocational trainings for hairdressers in order to relieve the burden of a family. Her husband is a jeweler but has not found job yet.


“I will not be satisfied with the knowledge I already have, I will find job, become more skilful, I hope to find job in one of the beauty salons and if everything is successful I will run my own business. During trainings I have visited many salons, the salary is very low, I do not know if I can work there. Maybe I will work from home.


Salbi Qantaryan was not familiar with hairdressing art. She has come to Armenia 3 years ago. In spite of the fact that her mother-in-law was a master in Syria for many years, she has never tried. But here In Armenia she will have to do it.


_I know that there are many courses for other professions as well, but I have a big family, three children, and though I am very busy, I need to work. If I manage to work on this specialty, I will feel satisfied.


There are really other professions, as in French-Armenian Center specialize not only hairdressers, manicure masters but also tailor-designers, cooks and other representatives of pre-vocational sphere.


We need to study preference of Syrian-Armenians in other spheres. But the most preferable ones are tailors and cooks.


Syrian-Armenian women believe that courses not setting age limits are a very important initiative which will help to find their place in a labor market, be self-confident, busy and most importantly care for their social needs.

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