“I have always dreamed of military service”


21-year-old Vardan Danielyan and 22-year-old Liana Shekoyan from Kurtan community were the first girls from the region who, hearing about the news of the April war, hurried to the regional office of the Union of Volunteers to register for going to Artsakh.

I have always dreamed of passing military service, but because there is no army for girls, so far I have not been able to stand with the boys. Hearing about he war I  simply considered my duty to go and register “said Liana – the 3rd year student of Physical Training and Sports Department of  Vanadzor State University.


At Volunteer Union of Lori Regional Department registration has been difficult for the girls. First, they refused to register them, then taking into account the arguments of the girls, went to concessions.


“At first they did not want to register ua, they said that there is no need for girls, but we insisted: my friend said that she attended first aid courses at the Red Vross. I also told that I am involved in karate and we could help, “she says, adding that she was ready to do everything: prepare food, bring bring water, help wounded soldiers.


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