“Open our hearts”
June 20 is World Refugee Day. UNHCR’s report “Global trends” published on the eve of the day showed that there is a sharp increase in the number of people who have to to flee their homes because of wars and conflicts. In 2014 the number of internally displaced people reached 60 million, a year before it was 51.2 million, and a decade ago – 37.5 million. The highest growth was registered in 2014. The main reason forcing people to flee their homes continues to be war.
Photo by The Guardian/Syrian refugees at Turkish border/
“It is terrifying that on the one hand there is more and more impunity for those starting conflicts, and on the other there is seeming utter inability of the international community to work together to stop wars and build and preserve peace,” – said UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres, noting that in response to unprecedented humanitarian displacement we need to demonstrate unprecedented humanitarian response, tolerance and protect those fleeing persecution and conflict.
Over the past two decades newly independent Armenia related to refugee issues accepting hundreds of thousands refugees from Azerbaijani, more than 1000 people from Iraq, and today faces problems of those evacuated in Syria and Ukraine, and UNHCR High Commissioner’s office participates in solution of these problems.
UN Armenian Office spoke about this on occasion of World Refugee Day during the meeting “Dialogue with journalists” held on June 19. UNHCR Head of legal department and acting Kate Pochapski, Head of State Migration Service Gagik Yeganyan, Head of Staff of RA Minisrtry of Diaspora Firdus Zakaryan, singer Zaruhi Babayan and others participated in the meeting.
“I would lie to urge everyone to understanding, tolerance and compassion.
In her speech, Ms. Pochapski highlighted assistance of UNHCR and partner organizations, which is aimed at the effective protection of refugees and displaced people and their integration into new society.
Over 14000 people, mostly ethnic Armenians, fleeing from Syrian conflict, found support in Armenia. Due to conflict in Ukraine, around 200 displaced people applied to State Migration Service for asylum. Armenian accepts refugees from other countries as well, which is a challenge for such a small country like Armenia. That is why in order to support RA Government UNHCR expanded its humanitarian activities in 2015. However, despite involvement of society, Government, organizations operating in Diaspora, NGOs and UNHCR refugees and displaced people in Armenia face a number of challenges. They cannot find affordable housing and livelihood opportunities, have difficulties in adapting to the new environment, – said Kate Pochapski.
According to her, integration is a complex and gradual process therefore; efforts aimed at support must have continuous nature. “I want to urge everyone to understanding, tolerance and compassion. No one should forget the pain refugees suffer because of leaving their homes, graves of ancestors and memories of childhood, familiar surroundings, friends and family members”, – she said.
Each of the displaced people are mother or father, daughter or son, all of them are “ordinary” people living in extraordinary times, – she concluded citing the main slogan of this year’s World Refugee Day. Head of the State Migration Service Gagik Yeganyan mentioned that the concept refugee is not unfamiliar to people witnessing Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century, hosting 350 000 Armenians fleeing from Azerbaijani. Thanks to caring and compassionate attitude of our nation we could solve these problems using available resources. FFrom the mid-1990s asylium system was formed the effectiveness of which became noticeable from 2000. 3064 foreign nationals have applied for asylum, 1962 of them were granted refugee status, including 947 from Iraq and later 700 out of 14000 Syrian-Armenians. Many problems have been solved through applying RA Law “On Refugees and Asylum”. Regardless of refugees’ nationality Armenia will remain committed to its international obligations, – said Gagik Yeganyan.
“There is no problem of job; there is a problem of remuneration
Head of staff of RA Ministry of Diaspora Firdus Zakaryan assures that RA Government has made amendments in legal acts concerning Syriamn-Armenians as a result of which visa and residence permit, free education and treatment procedures were facilitated. However, it is too difficult to hadle the problem of remuneration.
During these years 2000 Syrian-Armenians applied to the Ministry for employment and together with the RA Ministry of Health and Social Affairs we provided 1000 of them with employment. For the others the problem was resolved with the help of their relatives and friends. Many trainings were organized for them to make them get acquainted with economic market and acquire skills required at the market, many of them got low-interest loans and initiated medium-small sized business. However, Syrian-Armenians realize that our small homeland does its best to solve their problems.
“They expect society’s friendliness and care”
No matter how much the Government, NGOs and international community try to solve their problems, society’s care and friendliness is also important, – said Zaruhi Babayan.
– People who moved to Armenia due to circumstances, have many social problems, of course, but they also society’s friendliness and care, attention and warmth. That is why today I am standing next to an organization which supports creation of such an environment. In order to improve refugees spiritual life I involve their children in cultural life, many of them attend my studio. I urge everyone in our society to give them an opportunity to become a full member of the society. With their talent they will make our life more colorful, and living in a different culture they will pass values worth imitation. During the event videos entitled “Ordinary people living in unusual times” were shown about Ella Nakhoyan from Ukraine and Lena Yakubyan from Syria who was present in the hall. In our interview Lena mentioned that she is grateful and impressed for the attitude of people and she is not going to go to somewhere else.
“Only 7% of Syrian-Armenians live in regions”
In resonse to the question of womennet.am at what extent the Government is ready to solve the problem of housing and employment taking into consideration the current situation Firdus Zakaryan said that within the last 1,5 months over 500 people have emigrated to Armenia on their own will. According to him the problem lies in the fact that Syrian-Armenians not always accept RA Government’s proposal to live in regions of Armenia. They mainly prefer Armenia which creates additional difficulties. He added that only 7% of Syrian-Armenians live in regions. We asked him to clarify the issue if it is true that many of them cannot come to Armnenia because of the lack of money for buying tickets, Firdus Zakaryan said that the Government will provide financial support for this purpose only if community authorities come to a joint decision. Today there is no common decision on this issue within the community. Along with it “Aleppo” NGO organizes transfer of financially needy Syrian-Armenians to Armenia. Kate Pochapski added that their structure is not authorized to engage in regulation of transportation but they control its access to those wishing to leave war zones. That is why we involve authorized partners in this.
The question of Arasen Stepanyan/ Head of the organization “Save the children”/ referd to the closed borders of neighboring countries which really hinder immigration of Syrian-Armenians. Firdus Zakaryuan said, that as far as knows, some part of 17000 Armenians moved to relatively safe places, and the others enter the country without hindrance.
“We know that their needs are greater than resources of the State”
After the event Kate Pochapski said that Armenia was generous and willing to accept refugees from Syria. According to her only 700-800 out of 14000 people have received a status of refugee, most of the others prefered to reecive Armenia’s citizenship.
“Of course, all of them feel more secure here, which is very important. But we know that their needs are greater than resources of the State and even international community, which is meant to help meeting all needs. Transfer or going to third country is not included in UNHCR’s mission. Today we have examples of some Syrian-Armenians who prefer to return Syria or go to another country, which means that here we have problems. It leads to disintegration of family and this circumstance causes repeated trauma to children.
According to her, apart from efforts of international organizations and Government, every member of the society should try to make displaced people feel accepted and give them opportunity to build a new home and future.
Concluding UNHCR’s external relations manager Anahit Hayrapetyan suggested to visit webpage dedicated to campaign of World Refugee Day which contains stories of refugees across the world.
Please get to know these remarkable individuals and introduce them to your friends
on the site World Refugee Day (launching 2 June in 11 languages)
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