In Armenia the biggest problem relating to children is poverty


Today a regular meeting of the RA  National Committee on Child protection took place in Yerevan. During the meeting all the activities carried out in 2015 in the sphere of child protection and draft decisions presented to the RA Government were represented.


As the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan said in his opening speech, a lot of work has been done during current year, and the Government’s approach is very clear with regard to the question that children’s care should be organized in a family.


”First of all, we should increase opportunities and skills of our families and parents in order to solve the problems due to which children appear in care centers, in other words, our support should be directed at families, parents and as a result of this, children will be the main beneficiaries”, – said the Minister.


According to him, no matter how good care and secure conditions are provided to children at care centers, the world experience shows that children find the best care and protection first of all in their families – biological families.


Full text in Armenian



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