“The growth rate of domestic violence is a consequence of lack of law …”
Tragic murder occurred in Shengavit brought up again the need for the adoption of the law on “Domestic Violence”, the gaps in the legal system, the imperative to take action before their settlement.
Let’s recall that on July 08th of 2016, at 04 pm, at 7th building staircase 35-year-old Vladimir M. Lane has argued with his former wife and her parents Taguhi Mansuryan Vachagan and Karine Mansuryan who hit with ax many different parts of their body. 64-year-old Karine Mansuryan died, Vachagan and Karine Mansuryan were hospitalized with various injuries.
Police Criminal Investigation Department 3rd Department, Police Colonel Nelly Duryan today told reporters that the police says no to any kind of violence, including domestic violence, and ready to fight against this phenomenon.
According to the police statistics, during the six months of this year, the number of cases of domestic violence has increased.
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