The road to school is under the designation


“When a child hears some voices, he comes home frightened, thinking that they are shootings. They are every day, every hour, non-stop shouts. If they see people gathered, they start shooting” – say residents of a border village of Tavush region_ Chinari.


According to them these days kindergarten, school, houses at front, the village people gathered – are in the target.


Although a security wall was built in order to protect children of the kindergarten of Chinari, the kindergarten, however, does not function, children mainly spent days at the basements, and tough it is safe, but the road is dangerous instead. And the parents do not want to take a risk.


The recent attacks destroyed houses, broke windows and leak roofs. They say that shootings especially done in evening hours. Mornings are not peaceful here; the enemy even fires the villagers working in the field. That is why people cannot gather harvest, sometimes they even buy it.


Full text in Armenian 

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