Doctors often experience great pain to interrupt the life of a healthy fetus…


Comments on the draft law prohibiting sex-selective abortions


The number of sex selective abortions in Armenia has reached such a horrible extent that it poses a serious threat to demography. In our country, as a result of preferring boys, annually 1400-1600 girls are not born. If this ratio continues in the future, it is expected that up to 2060, 93 000 girls or future mothers will not born in Armenia, as a result of which population will decrease by additional 80 000 people (this is the number of births in Armenia for two years). And in other equal conditions, it will be approximately 2, 6 million people.


The Government seems to have found the mechanism to combat this demographic problem, developed a draft of making changes in the Law «On reproductive health and reproductive rights» which is yet to be discussed at the National Assembly.


It is prohibited to do abortions from 12 – 22 weeks, of course, if there are no medical indications.


Particularly, in the justification of the draft it is said : To review Article 10 of the RA Law on «On reproductive health and reproductive rights» clearly fixing the ban of sex selective abortions, in case of violation of which the act will be considered as illegal and will lead to responsibility described by law.


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