«Cervical cancer is entirely preventable»


Febryary 4th is the International Day of fighting against cancer. In January of last year the Ministry of Health launched a three-year-program «Disease prevention and control» aimed at earlier detection, prevention and control non-communicable severe diseases, including cervical cancer. Tert.am talked to Nelson Zuloyan – the director of the state agency «Health projects implementation unit» of the Ministry of Healthcare.


Within the framework of the program all women from 30 to 60 years old will get an opportunity of undergoing cervical cancer diagnostics free of charge.  The program is implemented with the financial support of the RA Government and World Bank. Talking about the disease which is considered as evil of the century, I would like to point out that the best way to combat is early detection and prevention, which lies at the core of this large-scale project implemented by the state.


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